April 2016

Aceites Sandúa at Alimentaria 2016 with his own stand

Aceites Sandua will be with its own stand at the next edition of Alimentaria, one of the largest international food and beverage fair, which will take place from 25 to 28 April in Barcelona.

The oil firm will be present in Alimentary with a stand of 12 m2, to be located in Navarra, in the Pavilion of autonomies.
SANDUA oils show there full range of oils, from its most renowned extra virgin olive oils, such as multivarietales and Arbequina varietal and empeltre; even the most demanding special oils for frying, as oil high oleic sunflower and maximum and double performance, in which a combination of noble oils, free of saturated fat, reduce the formation of smoke, odors and oxidation food

The 5 essential benefits of sunflower oil


We’ve all heard about the benefits of olive oil, but sunflower oil is a kind of healthy vegetable oil must also take into account, because it provides excellent qualities for our body, and is widely used in the food industry and cosmetics.

Rabbit Bittersweet

Preparation time: 60 minutes

Ingredients: 1 rabbit of 1.5 kilos approximately 50 grams. raisins, 50 gr. pine nuts, 2 bay leaves, 1 sprig of thyme, 1 sprig rosemary, 2 tablespoons of saffron, 1 tablespoon of flour, 2 deciliter of broth, 1 deciliter of Virgin Olive Oil Extra Large Selection Sandúa 1 deciliter white wine, salt and pepper.

Goat cheese salad with mango and extra virgin olive oil

Goat cheese salad with mango and extra virgin olive oil


350 g goat cheese
150 g cream
14 g of gellan gum
50 ml of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
200 g of mango puree
2 sheets of gelatin


80 ml of milk
50g butter
20 g of powdered spices
100 g almond flour
40 g flour
Salt c. s.


baby mesclun


50 ml of vinegar Chardonnay
150 ml of Extra Virgin Olive Oil Sandúa Great Selection

Loaf toasted bread with garlic and extra virgin olive oil

Loaf toasted bread with garlic and extra virgin olive oil


 -We recommend Pan bread loaf.

 -1 clove garlic

Extra virgin olive oil Capricho by Sandúa Arbequina

Cut a slice of bread or more, as you have hunger and roast. If you do not have toaster nothing happens. You put a frying pan and when hot well miss the slice of bread in keeping an eye on the bread lightly browned without being burned.

While the bread is toasting in the pan, peel the garlic clove and cut a half ot it.

Once the bread is ready, rubs one side of the medium roasted garlic clove. It is flavored bread, so do not rub it with panache but the garlic flavor is too strong.

The next step is to spray some extra virgin olive oil from Arbequina Sandúa Capricho by Sandúa on toast and that will give a unique and different flavor. Let stand a few seconds until the oil toast absorb it.

Accompany toast with your favorite coffee with milk. Find your favorite place, take the newspaper and begins your day with healthy and balanced.

Caprese salad with extra virgin olive oil

Caprese salad with dressing extra virgin olive oil


 – 1 large tomato.

 – 250 g of fresh buffalo mozzarella

 – Some fresh basil leaves

 – Extra virgin olive oil Capricho by Sandúa Empeltre Sandúa

 – Freshly ground black pepper


 Wash well and we start tomato slices. If you do not like tomato skin, or very simply, you can scald a few seconds and peel.

 We set also sliced mozzarella.

 Alternate tomato slices with mozzarella and fresh basil put above.

 Salt and pepper to taste and sprinkle everything with a splash of extra virgin olive oil Capricho by Sandúa Empeltre.

Spaghetti with garlic, prawns and extra virgin olive oil

Ingredients for 4 people

300-400 gr. frozen peeled prawn, 500 gr. spaghetti, 4 cloves garlic, one or two dry chillies, half a teaspoon of paprika, salt, 100 cc. Extra virgin olive oil Great Selection Sandúa, two tablespoons of chopped fresh parsley.


The first is to heat the water to cook the spaghetti in a large pot, at least two liters of water or something else. When a boil add a tablespoon of salt, waiting to boil again and add the pasta, stirring. Boil until it is “al dente” controlling the time to package instructions.

Fluid chocolate with EVOO and strawberrys


-Chocolate with 70% cocoa

-Extra virgin olive oil Capricho by Sandúa

-Salt crystals

-Seasonal strawberries

 Now it’s strawberry season, go for a dessert that will surprise your guests for its texture and flavor, exquisite combination of chocolate with extra virgin olive oil and strawberries.

We found this recipe in Beatrice www.verema.com blog. And as we indicated, it is essential to choose the right material to succeed in the result, so the EVOO has to be Capricho by Sandúa.

Saffron ice cream and extra virgin olive oil


1/2 liter of milk

4 egg yolks

Sugar 150gr

12 strands of saffron

50gr extra virgin olive oil Great Selection Sandúa

To decorate saffron threads

Boil the milk with saffron

Mix the sugar, egg yolks and extra-virgin olive oil Great Selection Sandúa

Add the milk to the mixture
Set it on fire without boiling but just until the moment before
Cool rapidly over a bowl of ice and introduce into rectangular pan and put in the freezer.
It is advisable to occasionally remove from freezer and move to not crystallize.
In the case of ice cream, put the mixture and do butter

Jellybeans of extra virgin olive oil

Follow the instructions for to make an amazing jellybeans!

 Jellybeans of extra virgin olive oil Ingredients

120 g of water
170 g sugar
25 g glucose
1/2 vanilla pod
250 gr of extra virgin olive oil Great Selection Sandúa
10 sheets of gelatin

I show the glucose that I used, is a fondant in creative pastry shops, so fashionable, you can find it without problems.

We put glucose, sugar and water, if you have Thermomix 7 minutes, speed 1 to 90. If you do not have Thermomix, you put these three things in a saucepan and a put thermometer reaches 90 ° C.

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