The Japanese prefer to buy Spanish olive oil

The Japanese prefer to buy Spanish olive oil

The Japanese like Spanish olive oil. For the second consecutive year, the Spanish virgin olive oil remains the most consumed in Japan, according to the report by the Institute for Foreign Trade (ICEX) on Olive Oil Market in Japan, recently published.

 The Asian market certainly represents a major challenge for exporters, because their level of dependence on imports reaches 100% of consumption.

Until 2013, Italy was the main supplier of olive oil in Japan, but in 2014 the trend changed in favor of Spain, and in 2015 took hold.


Thus, the national oil virgin olive oil with 56.6% of market share, and import volume of 23,900 tonnes is in the lead, against Italy, which is 34.7% of the sector and 15,792 tons.

 ICEX’s report also maintains an optimistic view for the future with respect to the marketing trend that will record our oil in Japan. For it is based on the following factors:

 – Spain is the world’s largest producer of olive oil, by far the closest competitors.

 -Price National olive oil is more competitive and generally of better quality than Italian.

 -Japan Is a growth market, because its consumption is still low and continued growth records year after year. Between 2005 and 2015, imports of olive oil grew by 78%

 -The Japanese consumer is willing to pay more for products considered beneficial to health. For this reason, the main Japanese customers of olive oil are women over 55 years.

 -Japan Is the third largest non-European and non-producing matters most olive oil in the world, with around 4.7% of world imports of this product.

 The main barrier that rises to the expansion of Spanish olive oil in Japan against the Italian, is the traditional relationship that these consumers make the product or brand with the country it comes from.

 The association of Italian food (pasta), as booming in the Japanese country, with oil, along with greater investment capacity of Italian companies, raises an enormous obstacle to our exports.


 Finally, ICEX in its report points to a number of recommendations that would serve to strengthen the presence of Spanish olive oil in Japan, such as:

-Increase The size and variety of supply from exporters.

 -Continue With the penetration of Mediterranean cuisine in Japan and greater recognition of the country’s image;

 -A Better suited to the tastes of Japanese consumers, as well as improved product presentation, quality of packaged and sizes

 – A better understanding of olive oil and its virtues, not only food, but as a product with applications in other fields such as cosmetics or medicine.

 In the case of Sandúa oils, the company has been working and growing in the international market and its products are already marketed in Japan.

25% of turnover comes from exports Sandúa. Its products are distributed practically all over Europe: France, Ireland, UK, Germany, Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden, Poland, Slovakia, Serbia, Iceland and Russia; in addition to China, UAE, Japan, India, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Ecuador, USA and Colombia.


In the American market, Sandúa oils sold in Ecuador, Colombia and Miami and is working towards further strengthening in Mexico and Colombia.


Sandúa oils is overturned in its expansion in the international market. For this reason, he devotes a large investment to its presence in the world’s largest food fairs, which comes mostly with its own stand.

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